I apologize for being so shockingly remiss in keeping up the blog - it's not like I have anything else to do...ahem. Updates: Scott's staples are out and his head looks as good as before (read: lumpy and balding, but still very handsome); Erin has a new computer which she received for her 11th - whoa - birthday. We tried to tell her that the birthday people couldn't fit it in, but she found a way around the bureaucracy and reinstated it. And so, 11. I'm taking a philosophy class, and if the Cogito (I think, therefore I am) is true, then I have ceased to exist. The house - oh, the house - is a very very very fine house. With grout in the tile, and doors sort of up, and baseboard heaters sort of in, and cabinets... still in the garage. We'll move in someday.
There will be more pictures, I promise, when I can figure out the settings on my new camera.