Monday, February 11, 2008

Oh, Simma Grey

Nana and Baba and Chelsea and Dave and Simma joined us for a pizza dinner last night, most of which was spent discussing with Simma whether her name is actually "Simma" or if indeed it is "Missa", as she was convinced it should be. There was also some discussion of whether Scott was her daddy (information volunteered by Simma herself, who consistently claimed she saw pictures of her daddy in our photos from Nepal. When asked which one was her daddy, she invariably answered, "Scott!" I swear, if he continues to father children on my sisters, we're going to have to have a long, loooong talk.)

Simma spent time chatting with Bob the Immortal Goldfish.

And in general being unbearably cute. During this imaginary conversation, she informed whomever was on the other line that she was at Katie's with Erin and Scott and Nana and Baba and Mama and Daddy. Real Daddy, this time, not Scott.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Important things for you to see from Nepal . . .

. . . and . . .

Some more things we think you needed to see from Bangkok.