*Not between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., during holidays, on select weekdays, or after any meal containing garbanzo beans or turkey. May cause headache, nosebleed, or mild paralysis. See user's guide for proper incentives, based on desired activity. Thanks for visiting.
Will has been very busy this week: he's cured rashes and infections, filled a broken tooth and gave me stitches (okay, one stitch) at the kitchen table, not to mention doing the dishes every night and being an all-around stand-up guy. Thanks, Will - what did we ever do without you?
We took the drive to Eklutna Lake today and dipped Will's homemade kayak in the water. It was Erin's first time in a kayak, and my first in a three-holer. Tough to paddle without thwacking the paddle of the person behind you, but once we got a rhythm down we really soared. The boat was tremendous, as was the company and the view.
Mom's friend Russ hooked us up with some spots on the Portage Glacier Cruise out of, uh, Portage. Here we are on the boat Ptarmigan, which - according to our illustrious Capt. Max - is the safest boat in Portage because (wait for it) "it has life jackets". We were lucky enough to see the glacier calf, which, even at its hugely rapid rate of recession, doesn't happen for everyone. Thanks to Russ (not for making the glacier calf, but for getting us on the boat)!
I know that i just went through a tough breakup with Jonathan Lethem, and I really thought that things were going to work out between Dave Eggers and me (his wife and 1.6 children notwithstanding). But fine writer and tremendous philanthropist that he is, his speaking skills leave much to be desired (and wow, man, get a haircut). I'll still read your books and enjoy them, Dave, but I'm not going to come running to you when Scott kicks me to the curb. Heavy sigh. Authors.
Grandma Beth, Grandpa Will, Ericka, Henry, Edwin, Erin and I went to the Alaska Zoo here in Anchorage yesterday (we rented a big van for the crowd of us). Here's a lovely picture of Erin getting a drink of water at the snack bar. She's so photogenic.
(For those of you who didn't catch the reference, L.L. Cool J. was a "rapper" in the mid 1980's to late 1990's who performed a type of rhythm music called "hip-hop". This particular selection alludes to a song where L.L. Cool J. reportedly does it, and does it, and - according to the sultry back-up singers - does it well.)
Sorry. I've been shockingly remiss in updating the blog. I have no excuse. I will make every attempt to be more diligent in the future.