Today’s a very exciting day! I need you to do a few things for me: grab your car keys and your photo ID. Put on some mitties and your jacket (it’s cold out today!) and ask yourself the following questions:
Have I voted already?If you already voted, good for you! Take off your jacket and your mitties and have a cup of tea and some peanut butter toast. Take yourself out to dinner tonight to celebrate fulfillment of your civic duty. Have a glass of wine for me.
Am I even registered?Call the Flathead County Election Department (758-5535) to find out. They can also tell you where your polling place is. If you’re not registered, get your butt to the County Courthouse (the old looking one in the middle of the triangle, not the jail or the blue building) in Kalispell! You can register and vote all in the same location, on the same day.
Do I have an absentee ballot?If you received an absentee ballot but haven’t returned it yet, you must turn it in by hand at your polling location by 8:00 p.m. tonight. Do not mail it!
Do I know where to vote?If you are unsure of where to vote, please call the Flathead County Election Department (758-5535) or visit Obama’s polling location site and find out. Then go vote. If you can’t get to your polling place, please call me! I will pick you up and drive you there. The polls are open until 8:00 p.m. tonight.