Sunday, March 1, 2009

Master Trackers

So, sort of on a whim (and 2/3 of us through coercion and bribery), we joined an Animal Tracking and Sign Interpretation class through the FVCC Continuing Education Center. We and five other were able to join Brian Baxter, a field biologist, in the Owens Sourwine nature preserve and learn how to track critters. We had a blast!

We learned about poop and prints and smells, and were able to identify in the field: raccoons, mink, squirrel (no moose), deer, coyote, beaver, heron, grouse, skunk, and house cat tracks. We rooted around in a few critters' houses and sniffed some poop (whoo!). We saw eagles and geese and deer and had a wonderful day in the great outdoors.

We found what looked to be a heron playground. Very cool tracks all over this little island.

Brian, our fearless leader.

Big thanks to Berit for sending us the photos, since we were too stupid to bring the camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great fun!! Good on you all. The heron prints are terrific. And it looks like it was a bluebird day to boot!
We love you,
Will and yo momma