Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ten important things to know about Bangkok (revised):

1. It is very very hot here.

2. You must wear long pants at the Grand Palace.

3. Do not be squeamish about other people's food, fingers, deformities, dogs, urine, gastrointestinal phenomena, etc. You're going to touch it, hear it, see it, smell it, and possibly taste it no matter what. Get over it.

4. You can fit at least five people on a scooter. Five. On a scooter.

5. Thai food is amazing, but if anything looks like a carrot, it's probably not. It's probably some nuclear chili pepper that will cause your head to explode.

6. You can buy anything at a Thai market. Anything.

7. Juice in a bag is all right. When you have lunch, you get meat-on-a-stick, fruit-in-a-bag, and juice-in-a-bag. All good things.

8. Tuk-tuk drivers will try to sell you anything for 10 baht. Cheap-cheap. Naked lady picture? 10 Baht. Two hour tour? 10 Baht. Meat-on-a-stick? 10 Baht.

9. Your taxi driver only makes $30 a day. He likes tips and will take you anywhere if you give him a few more Baht.

10. It's very difficult to find a t-shirt in size XXL. For you, only 200 Baht. Hah.

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