Part of the weird Jeep tour was a tour of the Grand Canyon Caverns - dry caves apparently discovered by a drunk gambler who fell in a hole on his way home from a poker game. A stifling elevator ride down through 21 stories worth of rock brought us to the caverns themselves, which had been stocked for a while for use as a fallout shelter. I was feeling a little claustrophobic, but was certainly reassured by the fact that I would have enough water and fallout crackers to last me into the 22nd century, if necessary.

When I ran out of crackers, I could probably gnaw on this guy. Mmmm, mummified bobcat jerky.

Because of the dry nature of the caves, there were no stalagmites or stalactites. Instead there were these bizarre calcium formations that made me feel like I was inside a melting bag of marshmallows. Didn't help the claustrophobia, not at all. I was pretty sure that I was going to end up like the bobcat.
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