Friday, April 17, 2009

Masochism, defined

When in areas to which you are not native, or with which your digestive system is not thoroughly acquainted, it is in your best interests to order your meat products medium-cooked, if not well-done. However, when the meat product in question is a bacon-wrapped tenderloin with potato pie and spiced spinach, and you have already consumed more than your fair share of $15 glasses of sangiovese, it is understandably hard to resist ordering it bloody. Not rare, bloody.

In the car yesterday, between bouts of stomach cramps and vile asphyxiating gas (I was not driving because it was imperative for me to concentrate on not crapping my pants), I suggested to Scott that I would happily undergo another four days of this torture for just a few more bites of that delicious steak. God, it was good.


e. schenck said...

Treatment of dysentery, from my 1908 Practical Guide to Health:
"The bowels should be irrigated frequently with large enemas at 100 degrees, or the cold enema at 60 degrees may be more agreeable ... At times even small injections of ice-water give immediate relief."
I'm not sure if that goes for other diarrheal illnesses, though.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I'm up for the ice-water enema. At least not until I test it out on Scott. Thanks for the ... um ... advice, though, really.